Celebrate Spring! 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Salem Convention Center

Event Starts at 5:30 P.M.


In consideration of Governor Brown’s proclamation and the concerns surrounding COVID-19, we are currently evaluating options for Celebrate Spring! going forward. Please stay tuned as we have some exciting options pending. 

Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.


Please feel free to reach out at anytime to Becky Maison at BMaison@libertyhousecenter.org or 971-599-5876.



  • Celebrate over 20 years of service with Liberty House and your friends, family, and other community members at our 18th Annual Celebrate Spring! Dinner and Auction. 

  • Enjoy a silent auction, live auction, games, and dinner, while supporting the most vulnerable children in our community. 

Event Sponsors